Image description: image of the titanic sinking into the water at night, the back of the boat is rising above the water as the front sinks beneath the depths.
As the impact of the Coronavirus takes hold in London followed closely by the West Midlands and with the number of positive cases and death toll rising daily. I keep seeing images of the Titanic in my minds’ eye which seems to be playing tricks with me, as I can clearly see this magnificent ship listing to the right with people falling off the top deck whilst trying to lower themselves down the ship’s sides; people trapped in the 3rd class decks screaming for help and others in the water drowning – a lucky few people, both men and women, manage to scramble into the lifeboats before they are dropped into choppy waters crying as they see the unsinkable ship begin to go down. The famous sentence from the Stevie Smith’s poem seems a fitting title for this piece.
— Yvonne Field, Ubele

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